This morning Go Far runners and supporters for Lexi Balco came out for a 5K Fun Run on the Los Gatos Creek Trail in order to raise money for Lexi, who was recently diagnosed with Lupus. We had a great turnout with about 60 runners, and lots more spectators and supporters. A huge thanks goes out to Prayers for Lexi (, who helped to support the run on their website and also came out to raise more money for Lexi through some awesome raffle prizes.
We had a ton of fun this morning, and we were also joined by Lisa from
San Jose Rock n Roll and
Jayson from Asics. Jayson was demo'ing some Asics shoes! Woohoo! A special thank you goes out to Lisa and Jayson for donating raffle prizes.
Fleet Feet Sports, Menlo Park also donated a free pair of shoes to the event, and Don Duong won that prize! Woo Don! Finally,
Brazen Racing came through in a huge way, donating all of our food at the event this morning, allowing for 100% of the fundraising proceeds to go to the Balco's.
A huge thank you goes out especially to Mike Barbosa, Andrea Naugle, Marcia Duong, Erika Whitney, David Cienega, Michael Van, Mette Sechter, and Josh Newell, all of whom helped out volunteering today. We couldn't have done it without you guys, thank you so much!
All in all, we raised $1500 which we were able to give to Shannon Balco this morning. Additional donations are continuing to come in, and I'll keep you all updated on additional fundraising efforts. If you would like to continue to help the Balco Family,
please visit the Prayers for Lexi site, where Kristine has set up a meal schedule for the Balco's so that they can have some home cooked meals while Lexi continues her stay at the hospital.
For results, please
visit our Results page! Photos will appear on the
Photos page as well (they will be uploaded throughout the week). If you see any discrepancies in the results, please send me an email at If you would like to become a part of our weekly run group,
please visit our Meetup site. We meet every Sunday at 8:00AM at Campbell Park and every Wednesday night at 6:30PM at the Campbell Community Center.
Thank you so much, everyone, for coming out and supporting the Balco family. I can't say thank you enough, I am so lucky to be a part of this amazing community. We had everyone from those who knew the Balco's, to those who had never met Tom and his family before, to those who didn't even come to the run donating for Lexi. The kindness you have all shown leaves me speechless. A sincere and heartfelt thank you, it was amazing to see you all out this morning.